Union Township

Union Township was one of the original townships and took in a part of Washington, which was made from Nile and Union, all of Rush and Morgan, and probably all of Brush Creek except what belonged to Nile. It has now been curtailed of its dimensions to a considerable extent, and from being one of the largest in the county at its organization in 1803, it is now one of middle size, eight townships being larger and six smaller, not counting Portsmouth.
Union Township is now bounded on the north by Brush Creek and a corner of Morgan townships, east by Rush, south by Washington and Nile and west by Brush Creek township. It has an area of 19,118 acres, the land being very broken and hilly, with a far better surface for stock-raising than for that of grain.
In 1867 Rush was taken bodily from Union Township, which caused its sudden loss in 1870, but in the last decade it has grown wonderfully. The old settlers of this township came in early, but it is doubtful if the territory now known as Union Township was settled until some time about 1808 or 1809. What is now Rush and Washington Townships, lying in the valley of the Scioto, was, when this county was organized, called Union Township, and it was settled as early as 1796 at the lower end, for Alexandria was part of Union Township then, and the upper part of the valley, now Rush was settled in 1797. Thus in giving names of old settlers, many of them will not be found in the Union Township of today, but of that part of Union Township whish is now designated as Washington and Rush. The following names were settlers of Union Township between 1796 and 1802: Peter Noel, William Russell, James Norris, Phillip Moore, John Collins, Gabriel Feurt, Benjamin Feurt, William Lucas, Jr., John Noel, William Campbell, John Devers, Peter Noel, Jr., John Pollock, Conrad Throne, John White, Henry Utt, William Robey, James Collins, Joseph Williamson and Thomas Williamson.
Gabriel Feurt was the first Collector of Union Township in 1803 and continued for five years. The first Assessor, or in those days called "Listers", was David Gharky, who first came to Alexandria and was for years a prominent citizen of Scioto County. In 1921 Samuel G. Jones, who was also well known in early days, moved up to the mouth of Brush Creek to help General Kendall build his mills, was Justice of the Peace of Union in 1821.
Information was cited from sccogs.com.
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