Commissioner FAQS
When do the County Commissioners meet?
Meetings are held Thursdays at 9:30 am in room 310, at the Scioto County Courthouse unless those days fall on or one day after a federal holiday.
Phone: 740.355.8202
Are Commissioners meeting minutes available to the public?
Yes, please give us a call before stopping into our offices so we may help you with any questions. Since our records may need time to look up and we are taking care of the entire county, we need advance notice. Please call 740.355.8202 for more information. You can also check us out on Facebook Live and our YouTube pages.
How can I express my concerns on an issue to the Board of County Commissioners?
You may call, write, or email any of the County Commissioners with questions or concerns.
Email us @
Bryan Davis - bdavis@sciotocounty.net
Cathy Coleman - ccoleman@sciotocounty.net
Scottie Powell - scottie.powell@sciotocounty.net
If you prefer to mail us, please send all questions, concerns or comments to 602 7th Street, Room 310, Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
Phone: 740.355.8202
How do I obtain a record of a past Board Meeting?
You may call and request a copy of a past board meeting. They are is kept in the Commissioners Journal, which will be copied. Each copy has a printing cost, so calling in advance will be helpful for both sides. We will know what to copy and you will know the cost of printing. All checks can be made payable to the Scioto County Commissioners.
What do County Commissioners do?
All functions of County government and the publics expectations of how County government works, depend greatly on the actions and authority of the board of County Commissioners.
Of Ohio's 88 counties, 86 are governed by elected Boards of Commissioners. Each Board consists of three Commissioners who are elected to four-year terms.
Every County elected official - the sheriff, judges, prosecuting attorney, treasurer, auditor, clerk of courts, engineer, coroner, and recorder - rely on the County Commissioners for funding. County Commissioners must understand the responsibilities of each of these other county office holders. This allows them to allocate federal and state funds, as well as local tax revenue to these other offices using budget oversight.
Ohio's Boards of County Commissioners were created by the state legislature and may only perform functions authorized by state law.
County Commissioners today are key players in bringing new businesses and industries to their communities and keeping established employers from moving away. This means creating environments favorable for business growth and development -- using tax incentives and infrastructure planning tools more aggressively than ever before. Welfare reform, with the responsibility it gives counties to move unemployed Ohioans into jobs, has also put County Commissioners out front in local employment training and workforce development efforts.
County Commissioners now have the lead responsibility for delivering the bulk of human services that adults and children receive from government and doing so with limited funding from Columbus, Ohio and Washington, D.C.
Counties must now meet state-set benchmarks for moving unemployed residents into jobs. Welfare reform also means subsidizing child care and health care for recipients, even after they find jobs. All of this comes in addition to Counties ongoing responsibility for overseeing and funding alcohol, drug abuse and mental health services; enforcing child support orders; protecting abused and neglected children; and administering food stamps.
Environmental protection measures that affect the everyday lives of most Ohioans fall under the responsibility of County Commissioners. Ensuring safe drinking water and administering sewage treatment plants are the responsibilities of even the smallest of Counties. In 1988, Counties were given lead responsibilities in achieving state solid waste (trash) management goals. Counties are also heavily involved in such diverse efforts as industrial site cleanup and consumer recycling.
What is the mailing address for the Commissioners?
602 7th Street, Room 310, Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
What are the phone and fax numbers to reach Commissioners?
The general phone number is 740.355.8313. The Fax number is 740.353.7358
Other FAQS
Where is Scioto County located?
Scioto County is located in the Southern most part of the state.

Where do I get my driver's license?
At the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Agency # 7312. The address is 843 11th St. Portsmouth, OH 45662.
Phone is 740.353.2171.
Where do I get a marriage license?
Marriage Licenses are available at the Probate Court located in the Scioto County Courthouse on the second floor at 602 7th Street Portsmouth, Ohio 45662-3998
Phone 740.355.8290
Fax 740.353.1095
How do I obtain or renew a Notary Public License?
There are a few different steps to becoming a Notary Public. Public notaries are responsible for witnessing signatures on a variety of documents, from loan paperwork to legal papers. Notaries in the state of Ohio are charged with ensuring all parties signing documents show valid identification. Notary Publics work in a variety of settings, including banks, credit unions or as independent contractors. Those who are self-employed may offer mobile notary services, serving individuals unable to leave their homes.
Ensure that you meet Ohio's requirements for becoming a notary public. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and reside in the state of Ohio -- as long as you have a permanent address and Ohio driver's license, you have met this requirement.
Request an application packet from your County. In the state of Ohio, each County facilitates notary-public services. The Ohio Secretary of State Department has a list of County contact information .
Complete and pass a background check. Your County will provide a criminal-background-check packet. Fill out the application and visit a local law enforcement office to get a set of fingerprints taken. Then, mail all materials to your county's notary department.
Pass the Ohio state exam. First, request a study guide to focus your preparation efforts. This can be found at the Ohio Secretary of State website (see Resources). Once you feel prepared, contact the Ohio State Notary department at (614) 644-4559 to schedule your test.
Register your notary services withthe Recorder at the County courthouse. This step must be completed before your services are considered valid.
Where do I get a birth certificate?
Your birth certificate, if you were born in Scioto County, is kept on file at the Portsmouth City Health Department at 605 Washington Street, Portsmouth OH 45662 and the Scioto County Health Department in Room 210 at 602 7th Street, Portsmouth Ohio 45662
City Health Department: 740.354.3241
County Health Department: 740.355.8358
Where do I transfer a Car Title?
Please go to the County Clerk of Courts in the Courthouse located at 602 Seventh Street, Room 205 in Portsmouth.
Phone 740.355.8234 or 740.355.8279
Where do I get a sales tax license?
Licenses can be gotten at the Scioto County Auditor's Office, located in the courthouse at 602 Seventh Street, Room 103, Portsmouth, Ohio.
Phone 740.355.8324
Where do I pay Taxes?
Taxes can be paid at the Scioto County Treasurer's Office. 602 7th St # 102 Portsmouth, OH 45662.
Phone 740.355.8287
Who do I contact about a question on
my land or having it surveyed?
Please call the Scioto County Engineer's Office 740.355.8265 or the County Engineer's Lucasville Garage at 740.259.5541.
Who would I call if a stop sign is missing?
Please call the Scioto County Engineer's Office at 740.355.8265 or the Lucasville Garage 740.259.5541.
Who do I call if a county bridge is in need of repair?
Please call the Scioto County Engineer's Office at 740.355.8265 or the Lucasville Garage 740.259.5541.
Who do I call about a bad road?
If it is on the state route, call the Ohio Department of Transportation Garage in Lucasville 740.774-8995. In the City, call the city of Portsmouth 740.354.8807, in the County, the Scioto County Engineer's office 740.259.5541.
Who do I call about my deteriorating alley?
Please call one of your elected township trustees or if within the city of Portsmouth call the City Council. Please call 740.355.8202 if this did not answer your question.
Who prosecutes crimes for the County?
If it is on the state route, call the Ohio Department of Transportation Garage in Lucasville 740.774.8995. In the City, call the city of Portsmouth 740.354.8807, in the County, the Scioto County Engineer's office 740.259.5541.
Who advises elected officials, township trustees, and school boards on legal matters?
The Prosecutor's Office prosecutes crimes committed in Scioto County. The Honorable Shane Tieman is the Scioto County prosecutor. The office is located in the Courthouse Annex on the 2nd floor in Room E at 612 6th Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662 Please call us at 740.981.3112 for more information or email stieman@sciotocountypo.org
Where do I go if I want to register my discharge papers from the service?
Please go to the Scioto County Recorder's Office at 602 7th Street, Rooom 110, Portsmouth, Ohio 45662 or call 740.355.8304.
Does the County have an airport, if so where is it?
Yes, it is located in Minford, Ohio at 130 Barklow Road. You can also read more about the airport at https://www.sciotocountyoh.com/airport
How do I register to vote?
Please go to the Board of Elections, located in the Scioto County Courthouse located 602 Seventh Street, Rm 105, Portsmouth, OH 45662.
Phone: 740.353.4178
Fax: 740.355.8363
You can also register online at https://olvr.ohiosos.gov/
Who do I call if there is a dead deer on the road?
If there is a dead deer on a county road, not private property, our Litter Control picks them up as long as the deer is not torn in pieces. If the deer has been there a while, they will put lime on it. Please call the Commissioners' office and we will contact a Litter Control person. Please call the State Highway patrol on State Highways, Township trustees in your individual areas or the County Engineer.
Where do I go for Public Assistance?
For Public assistance please contact the Scioto County Department of Job and Family Services located 710 Court Street Portsmouth, Ohio
Phone: 740.354.6661
Where is the post office?
The Portsmouth Post Office is located at 610 Gay Street.
Phone: 740.353.2070
How do I get in touch with Senior Services?
You can reach the Area Agency on Aging at aaa7.org. The agency is located at 160 Dorsey Dr, Rio Grande, OH 45674.
Phone: 740.245.5306.
Where can I find a list of Elected Officials?
Please go to the Board of Elections, located in the Scioto County Courthouse located 602 Seventh Street, Rm 105, Portsmouth, OH 45662.
Phone: 740.353.4178
Fax: 740.355.8363.
Who do we talk to if we want to adopt a child?
Adoptions are handled through the Juvenile Probate Court located in the Courthouse at 602 7th Street, Room 201, Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
Phone: 740.355.8290.
Who do I contact to report child abuse?
For Child abuse please first call the Sheriff's office located at 1025 Sixteenth Street Portsmouth, Ohio 45662. Children Services located at 3940 Gallia Street, New Boston, OH 45662.
Dispatch: 740.354.7566
Phone: 740.456.4164