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Rush Township

Rush Township

Rush Township was the last of the municipal divisions of the county organized and was taken wholly from Union Township, June 3, 1867. It lies on the Scioto River, a distance of some seven miles north and south and the largest and best portion of its agricultural area is in the valley. In length the township, north and south, will average about seven miles. Rush township contains approximately 14,500 acres.

A Curiosity: On the farm of Henry Russell, on the top of what is known as Cambell's Hill is a spot, which is a depression of the earth's surface, to the extent of twenty feet in diameter, and about three feet deep. It is very nearly circular in form and its peculiarity is in the fact that it generates heat in winter. In the coldest weather, with snow on the ground all around it, and the thermometer below zero, no snow as found in the depression or hole, and on holding a thermometer on the bottom it rose to fifty-six degrees above zero within ten minutes. The depression has a pebbly bottom, very little dirt seen, and has probably filled up in part. This has been the condition of the spot since its discovery a half century ago. Where does it lead to?

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