Nile Township

Nile Township is the largest in the County. The Township is the extreme southwest of the County and has an Ohio River frontage of nearly 15 miles.
The township is bounded on the north by Brush Creek and Union townships; on the east by Washington township and the Ohio River; south by the Ohio River and west by Adams County. It has a land area of 48,140 acres.
The pioneers of Nile Township were a sturdy set of men. The names of all cannot be given here but those and many others who made Nile Township their home will be found in the old settlers' list in the County history. Among those who left the impress of their lives upon the progress of the township were David Mitchell, Geo. Hutton, Geo. Kinney, Jno Tucker, Abraham Tucker, Sr., Jesse Williams, Thos. Cooper, Solomon McCall, John Calloway and Middleton Harmon.
Buena Vista is one of the prettiest little villages on the Ohio River, lying in the extreme southwest corner of the township and county. It is eighteen miles from Portsmouth by the turnpike and about twenty by the river. The place is the principal shipping point for the numerous stone quarries in its neightborhood. The shipping of freestone is its principal business.
Friendship is located in a pleasant little valley on the bank of Turkey Creek and about one mile north of the Portsmouth and Buena Vista turnpike.
The above information abstracted from the Newsletter of SCCOGS and from the publication "History of the Lower Scioto Valley" both of which contains more information on the above township and individuals.
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