Clay Township

Clay Township lies on the east bank of the Scioto River and its southern boundary is Portsmouth and the Ohio River. It is bounded on the north by Jefferson and Valley Townships, on the east by Harrison and Porter Townships. It has an irregular boundary line with an area of about 17,000 acres.
The organization of the Township was on June 7, 1826, but there have been some slight changes at different times since that date.
The officers elected during the first election in the Township in 1826 were
Gabriel Feurt
Asa Andrews
Enoch Lawson
The voting precinct was at the Noel Schoolhouse. The only saw-mill in the country was located on Munn's Run, owned by P. Summers, but in the summer of 1883 was lying idle.
For fine farms, good residences and solid farmers, Clay Township is willing to compare notes with her sister townships.
The above information abstracted from the Newsletter of SCCOGS and from the publication "History of the Lower Scioto Valley" both of which contains more information on the above township and individuals.
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