MIA/KIA Memorial Monuments

Tracy Park, located between 9th and Gay streets, is home to the MIA-KIA Memorial which was dedicated in 1993. The memorial lists the names of servicemen from our area who were killed or are missing as a result of a war.
The bricks that make the floor of the memorial have the names of servicemen on them as well. Residents purchased bricks and had them engraved with the name of a loved one as part of the fundraising activities held to purchase the monument.
A fund has been established to pay for the upkeep of the monument, which includes lighting, beautiful landscaping and a flag. Benches form a horseshoe at the rear so one can sit and read the names. On the rear of the monument itself is the inscription: "In honor and memory of all veterans of Scioto County who served our country in times of peace and war. And to those who paid the supreme sacrifice so that we may enjoy freedom. Their spirit, devotion, a love of country will be forever remembered.
"Take a moment and Please read the names for each war:
World War I
Total U.S.A. Deaths: 116,708
Scioto County Deaths: 84

William E. Altman
Taylor J. Angle
Charles Argerbright
Raymond P. Arthurs
Anthony G. Billian
Walter Bouts
Clifford Brodbeck
Loraine Brown
Horace C. Bussey
Walter Cade
James E. Chamblin Jr.
Joseph Clifford
Homer Collins
Lawrence Comer
L. Gail Cook
George W. Cooper
Clifford Counts
Paul Crabtree
Chester E. Cramer
James H. Dickey
John H. Doughty
William M. Eakins
Bert Ferguson
Ignatius R. Frazier
Leslie A. Freeman
Walter R. Graham
Orla Griffith
Leonard Hart

Willie Hayslip
Elvin L. Hazlebaker
Joseph L. Hicks
Carl L. Hiltebrand
Charles J. Jeffords
Mac Joines
David A. Kallner
Oscar L. Kennedy
Daniel Kuhner
Frank H. Leedom
Merifort Lewis
Lewis A. Lindsey
George Lockett
Frank J. Lovey
Benjamin Mahaffey
Claude V. Mankin
William P. McCall
Joseph McGowan
Andrew T. McGraw
Theodore Miller Jr.
William Miller
Clay Mullins
Howard Nichols
Sylvester Nichols
Jasper Payton
Walter L. Pollock
Roy A. Powell
Vernia Radabaugh
Adolph H. Rase
Joseph C. Reed
Frank Y. Revare
Sewell Rivers
Orin W. Robe
Herbert Rone
John A. Sauffer
Herbert Scaggs
Walden P. Schaffer
John J. Schuh
Jack Selsor
Clarence Snedecor
Howard N. Southworth
David E. Sprouse
Harmon G. Steagall
Ollie Steger
Jesse E. Stout
Maurice Strayer
Wesley Swords
Gordon Tatman
Earnest L. Thomas
Joseph D. Thomas
Asa Thompson
George VanKirk
Francis E. Wells
Carl J. Wilhelm
Albert Williams
Russell D. Williams
World War II
Total U.S.A. Deaths: 407,316
Scioto County Deaths: 290

James F. Abbot
Chester Adams
Ernest W. Adams
Paul E. Adams
Earl Adkins Jr.
Hugh M. Allen
Albert T. Alley
Thomas J. Alley
Harry Angel Jr.
John H. Angell
Lloyd F. Arnold
Starling Arthurs
Ebert A. Artrip
John W. Atkinson
Jack Austin
George Bailey
James E. Bailey
Fred D. Baldridge
Harry L. Baldridge
Homer Ball
William Barnes
Raymond E. Basham
Maurice E. Beatty
Albert W. Bender
Forest E. Bennett
Frank Bennington
Teddy E. Bentley
Charles Billings
Robert E. Blaine
Arthur Bodmer Jr.
Homer E. Boldman
Robert H. Bolton
Raymond Born
Arzanas Bradley
Arden V. Brady
Paul Bramblett
Henry D. Brame
Lester E. Breech
Wesley Brofford
Merill Brown
John W. Brumfield
Harold E. Bush
Vaughn Butler
Samuel L. Canter
Warren F. Canter
Homer Clyde Castle
Calvin Clarke Jr.
Herbert Cockrell
Frank Coler
Clyde Conley
Roy Cook
William R. Cooley
Chester Cooper
Jack Cooper
Lloyd O. Cooper
Richard W. Cooper
Samuel Cooper
Ferrell W. Copas
Ray M. Copley
Woodrow W. Coteral
Gordon Cox Jr.
Roscoe C. Cox
James T. Crabtree
Russell E. Crisp
Adam Culp
Charles H. Cunningham
Jack Cunningham
Charles Curtis
Charles E. Dailey
Lewis W. Darnell
Robert Daub
Charles Bud Davis
James M. Davis
William D. Davis
Ellis DeLong
Ralph W. DeLong
Jesse L. Dettwiller
Forest Dever
Lowell M. Dever
Leve F. Dillow
Ralph M. Distel
Edwards S. Doan
Edward D. Dougherty
Herbert J. Doyle
Denver P. Edington
Burress Elliott
Lester Elsworth
Charles E. Emmert
John R. Everett
John V. Fannin
Jonas W. Fannin
Conroy F. Felty
William R. Fields
Richard R. Fisher
James L. Flannery
Luther O. Flannery
James H. Flannigan
Francis B. Ford
Sybol L. Frazier
Joseph P. Fultz Jr.
William C. Galford
Willie E. Gallimore
Claude W. Gayhart
William H. Geary
Charles D. Gibbs
James Gilmore
Leo J. Glockner
William Goldon
William Goodman
Robert W. Grady
Clayton Grafton
James R. Graham
William E. Green
Frank L. Grom
Reed Grubb
Donald G. Hackworth
Paul W. Haffner
Wilbur Hager
Charles L. Hale
Cecil Hannah
Randolph Harris
William Harrison Jr.
Robert A. Hawke
Leslie R. Hazelbaker
Ralph V. Hehl
Ralph Held
Robert E. Henry
Charles S. Henson
Forrest Hickman
Robert E. Hileman
Robert V. Hill
Albert W. Hilliard
Dewey Hobson
Donald A. Hoffer
Robert Hollback
William N. Howe
William R. Huffman
John Hughes
Clyde E. Hunter
Paul R. Hunter
Wilmer Inlow
Paul E. Irons
James W. Irwin
Challis R. James
Charlie Jayne
Norman R. Jones
Russell P. Judd
William G. Justice
John Karr
Forest E. Kayser
Francis E. Kelley
Henry Kelso
Cecil H. Kennison
James L. Kilby
Lloyd G. Kimbler
Thomas Kinney
William H. Knapp
Philip Knost
Paul N. Layne
Paul LeBrun
Evan LeGrande
Isaac D. Leslie
John M. Leslie
Ernest F. Lester
Leslie Lewis
Robert E. Lewis
William J. Lewis
Frank Lockhart
Eugene D. Locklin
Collen W. Long
Ritchie A. Love
Ceaph A. Lowe
Robert E. Lust
William H. Lycan
Leroy Lykins
Baylus F. Malcom
Lawrence Martin
James N. Mason
Chester Massie
Edwin Mattox
Samuel E. Mattox
Raymond H. Mauk
Franklin McCall
Jay V. McClothlin
Edgar O. McCord
Wetzel McCoy
Albert M. McGuire
Carl E. McHenry
Frederick T. McKinley
William Meade
Theron Meadows
Roy Medley
Siegal E. Mercer
Kenneth Mershon
James Messer
Mariot Middauh
Jesse W. Midkiff
Arthur F. Miller
James H. Miller
Homer Montgomery
Clyde L. Moore
Edward R. Moore
Grover K. Moore
Kenneth Moore
Vernon E. Moore
Carlin E. Morgan
Crate Morris
Everett S. Morrison
James L. Morrison
James V. Mullins
Harold S. Nagel
Ray E. Neff
Ralph Nichols
John W. O'Hara
Robert A. Ogden
Ollie B. Osborn
Wendell G. Osborn
Russell W. Parker
Nello Pasquinelli
Charles F. Patterson
Delbert Peed
Vincel F. Pelphrey
Ferrill E. Phillips
Harry W. Piatt Jr.
Charles M. Pilson
Ralph Poole
William O. Potts
Cecil W. Powell
Harold F. Pratt
Clyde A. Puckett
Leonard Queen
Orville F. Ramsey
Clifford E. Ratcliff
William L. Rawlins
Edward C. Rayburn
Joseph B. Redden
Leroy P. Regg
Charles Reinhard
Robert R. Ressinger
Herbert W. Rice
Archie E. Richard
Herbert E. Rider
Forrest Riley
Stanley Rittenhouse
Eugene O. Roe
Floyd Rogers
Cecil L. Ross
Winfred C. Ross
Muriel R. Ruby
Vernon Ruby
Thomas H. Ruggles
Earl J. Russell
Dallas L. Sapp
Orville Scaggs
Russell O. Schwamberger
Howard Semones
Ellis Setters
Kenneth Sexton
Howard A. Shaffer
Ishler Shepherd
Donald Sherman
Ray E. Shump
George H. Sias
Howard E. Sikes
Albert Slack
Albert D. Smith
John C. Smith
Walton L. Smith
Floyd D. Smittle
Alva Sparks
Dewey Sparks Jr.
Howard Sparks
Martin E. Sparks
Raymond Spriggs
Earl R. Stamper
Everett Stanley
Edwin E. Starrett
Roy E. Staten
William C. Stephens
Howard L. Stevens
Clifford W. Stiles
Samuel L. Stillwell
George F. Stockham
John L. Stone
Ira Stout
Charles L. Strang
Charles Stumpf
Morris F. Swavel
Paul E. TePas
Dan Terry
Clifton O. Thomas
Charles L. Thompson Jr.
George E. Thompson
John V. Thompson
Raymond A. Thompson
Gordon Thoroughman
Gordon B. Tillis
Elwood C. Tinsley
Ray Traylor
John E. Twaddle
Harold E. Upton
Leo E. Van Matre
George W. Vandervort Jr.
Arthur C. Waddell
John H. Wakefield Jr.
George W. Walker
Ralph Wallace
Ralph E. Ward
Warren Lewis
Jack Watts
Arnold Weaver
James G. Webb
William H. Webb
Charles D. Welde
Woodrow Whisman
Merville S. Whitt
Arthur W. Williams
Leslie H. Willis
Paul Wisenberger
Charles B. Workman Jr.
Elbert T. Worthington
Rogdon D. Wright
Harry Young
Korean War
Total U.S.A. Deaths: 54,246
Scioto County Deaths: 68

John W. Arms
Donald E. Bradford
Donald L. Brown
Paul E. Buckley
Howard A. Cassidy
Roy O. Chaffin Jr.
Raymond M. Charles
Howard L. Clark
Ralph D. Clifton
Russell L. Colegrove
Edward S. Cornell Jr.
Paul C. Crabtree
Norman E. Daub
Donald H. Davis
Hugh D. Dials
Ronald M. Donohoe
William H. Edwards
Jerry K. Estel
Robert P. Fairchild
Charles R. Fuller
John E. Gillum
Elmer E. Hardy
Ernest L. Heilman
Donald E. Hoover
Donald L. Hutchinson
James L. Jackson
Harry F. Jefferson
Cecil A. Johnson
Matthew Johnson
Richard M. Lewry
Roy I. Lloyd
Bill D. Manning
Charles L. Matthews
Franklin McCall

Howard McCormick
William E. McCormick
David E. Mershon
John F. Mershon
Howard Messer
Robert E. Montgomery
Owen E. Moore
Forest E. Mougey
Paul R. Nance
George W. Nelson
Woodrow W. Nelson
John R. Newman
William Personette Jr.
William N. Powell
Jerry B. Price
Oscar Queen
Harriet J. Rine
Floyd J. Rose
Howard D. Routt
Oscar Seymour Jr.
Harold L. Skiver
Cline C. Sparks
Harry E. Speck
Ira N. Taylor
Robert W. Thomas
Harold J. Titus
Harold Van Hoose
William H. Wallace
Freddy A. Webb
Donald E. Wiley
Charles J. Woodrum
William J. Wright
Blaine G. York
Tom Zeleles
Vietnam War
Total U.S.A. Deaths: 58,151
Scioto County Deaths: 31

Timothy P. Bauer
James M. Bryan
Ronald Caldwell
Stephen E. Crawford
William L. Debo
Charles R. Eggers
Clyde S. Evans
Edward S. Hamilton
Glen T. Hobbs
Gary O. Holsinger
Jerry R. Howerton
Ted R. Jamison
Donald L. Justice
William Kazee
James R. Lute
Davie J. Martin

Albert McCoy Jr.
Ronald L. McJunkin
Larry D. Millard
James R. Mullins
Frank A. Newman
Michael D. Noel
Charles W. Prose Jr.
Roger A. Quinn
Gary L. Sargent
Gary N. Shy
Raymond G. Skaggs
Gary Tackett
Larry C. Vastine
Woots E. Wadkins
Paul Ward
Desert Storm
Total U.S.A. Deaths: 380
Scioto County Deaths: 2

Tony R. Applegate
David L. Jones